New International Forum

Guān (官) - Beamter
Guān (官) - Beamter
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Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von Wolff72 »

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but as far I know Xingbao (which is a daughter company of Lepin) produce MOC sets in cooperation with there designer, right?!

@RedBrick due to your great work on the design of your building (now become Lepin's 15016), maybe it would be worth for trying to get in contact with Xinbao/ Lepin to offer a cooperation work?! :-)
Alle gefundenen Rechtschreibfehler duerfen gerne behalten werden .....

Benutzer 670 gelöscht

Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von Benutzer 670 gelöscht »

Wolff72 hat geschrieben: vor 7 Jahre Please correct me if I'm wrong, but as far I know Xingbao (which is a daughter company of Lepin) produce MOC sets in cooperation with there designer, right?!

@RedBrick due to your great work on the design of your building (now become Lepin's 15016), maybe it would be worth for trying to get in contact with Xinbao/ Lepin to offer a cooperation work?! :-)
Yes you're correct!

And as for RedBrick that sounds like a great idea! :thumup:

Ehemalige|r ModeratorIn
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Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von flo »

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I highly doubt that RedBrick wants anything to do with those companies after the way they treated his work in the past.

Benutzer 670 gelöscht

Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von Benutzer 670 gelöscht »

I surely think so too, but maybe they would compensate him for his set they already used.
Would love to see that...

Xīnshēng (新生) - Neugeboren
Xīnshēng (新生) - Neugeboren
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Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von Ocus »

Hello eveybody,

This is my first message on the forum I discovered 2 days ago.
So many informations about no-lego product, hard to find that somewhere else !

I'm from France. I don't speak german but I'm using google translate to navigate in the forum.


Xīnshēng (新生) - Neugeboren
Xīnshēng (新生) - Neugeboren
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Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von Ocus »

I would also like to know how to participate to the forum discussions ?
I need to be added to a group, it seems ?

Yòuér (幼兒) - Kleinkind
Yòuér (幼兒) - Kleinkind
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Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von loislz »

Thats right. For a small number of groups you need the permission to see it and post in it.
You get the permission after 10 (or 15, don't know excatly now) posts.


Dàxuéshēng (大学生) - Student
Dàxuéshēng (大学生) - Student
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Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von Break »

ocus. Si vous ne me dérange pas que je demande. Quel genre de groupe que vous voulez? ¿Thème, peut-être?

Post-scriptum Je l'utilise aussi traducteur google.

Wenn Sie nichts dagegen nicht meine Frage. Welche Gruppe wünschen Sie? vielleicht ¿Thema,?

P. S. Ich benutze auch Google Übersetzer.

Xīnshēng (新生) - Neugeboren
Xīnshēng (新生) - Neugeboren
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Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von Ocus »

Hello Break,

I'm interested in all Lepin, Xinbao and cie news.

I'm not a fulltime fan of bricks, but I like to build it in my rest time (not a lot, because it comes after work, sports, family and home work ;-) ).

Xīnshēng (新生) - Neugeboren
Xīnshēng (新生) - Neugeboren
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Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von Ocus »

I like the medieval/pirat themes (lot of old Lego sets and some Lepin pirats), Star Wars , and cars (VW Bus, Cox, Mini).

The last MOC from Xinbao are awaysome.

I think I will try the new Lepin Technic set, I newer had Technic bric before.

Xīnshēng (新生) - Neugeboren
Xīnshēng (新生) - Neugeboren
Beiträge: 5
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Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von Ocus »

loislz hat geschrieben: vor 7 Jahre Thats right. For a small number of groups you need the permission to see it and post in it.
You get the permission after 10 (or 15, don't know excatly now) posts.

Thank you for the information ! ;-)

Benutzer 670 gelöscht

Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von Benutzer 670 gelöscht »

Ocus hat geschrieben: vor 7 Jahre I think I will try the new Lepin Technic set, I newer had Technic bric before.
Do that - was really happy with all Technic sets I got so far.
The quality was really good just the pins are a bit harder to get in but nothing to worry about :)

Dàxuéshēng (大学生) - Student
Dàxuéshēng (大学生) - Student
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Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von Break »

Ocus hat geschrieben: vor 7 Jahre I like the medieval/pirat themes (lot of old Lego sets and some Lepin pirats), Star Wars , and cars (VW Bus, Cox, Mini).

The last MOC from Xinbao are awaysome.

I think I will try the new Lepin Technic set, I newer had Technic bric before.

Je suis heureux de vous voir comme Star War, les pirates, médiévale. Moi aussi.
Alors bienvenue et forum international. Nous avons besoin de plus de gens ici. Salutations. :D

Gut, dass Sie wie Star War, Piraten zu sehen, mittelalterlich. Ich auch.
Dann willkommen zu und internationalen Forum. Wir brauchen mehr Leute hier. Ein Gruß. :D

Xīnshēng (新生) - Neugeboren
Xīnshēng (新生) - Neugeboren
Beiträge: 22
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Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von RedBrick »

BumBum hat geschrieben: vor 7 Jahre I surely think so too, but maybe they would compensate him for his set they already used.
Would love to see that...
Actually, in April I did ask Xingbao for compensation (since I had their email address but not yet Lepin's). They declined, stating they're not the same company; however, they wanted to make two of my other designs. I didn't reply, although that didn't stop them from asking thrice more for the other designs. I then did reply, stating that they should not misinterpret my asking for compensation for the university as entering negotiations for the other designs. I also let them know they didn't convince me that they're a separate company. They responded quite at length with Chinese documents allegedly proving their independence.

Haven't heard from or written to them since May.
Zuletzt editiert RedBrick vor 7 Jahre, insgesamt 2 mal editiert.

Benutzer 670 gelöscht

Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von Benutzer 670 gelöscht »

Too bad. Would have been interesting to see what they would have offered you.
And I guess they are legaly an independend company although they seem to be linked to Lepin somehow.

Xīnshēng (新生) - Neugeboren
Xīnshēng (新生) - Neugeboren
Beiträge: 22
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Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von RedBrick »

BumBum hat geschrieben: vor 7 Jahre Too bad. Would have been interesting to see what they would have offered you.
And I guess they are legaly an independend company although they seem to be linked to Lepin somehow.
3000 USD + 1% or 6000 USD.

Ehemalige|r ModeratorIn
Beiträge: 2755
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Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von flo »

Very interesting, thank you. That's actually much more than I thought - it would be interesting how many sets they usually sell and if they're honest with your 1%.

Benutzer 670 gelöscht

Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von Benutzer 670 gelöscht »

Thanks - yes, that's more than I would have thought too.

Xīnshēng (新生) - Neugeboren
Xīnshēng (新生) - Neugeboren
Beiträge: 22
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Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von RedBrick »

Why would Xingbao be willing to offer up to 6k per design but not publicly denounce Lepin's transgressions, unless they have financial ties? Therefore, why would I want to enter into a business agreement with a company that potentially is being dishonest with me? The money was not enough to overcome a deficient effort to establish the level of trust I expected.

Xīnshēng (新生) - Neugeboren
Xīnshēng (新生) - Neugeboren
Beiträge: 22
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Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von RedBrick »

If a guy steals cash from your wallet, would you deposit the rest of your money in his brother's bank?

Benutzer 670 gelöscht

Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von Benutzer 670 gelöscht »

It's you good right to turn the offer down if you don't want their money. So then don't.

I just think you can't ask Xingbao for compensation for stuff Lepin did to you.
It might be the same corporation but legaly idependent companies. But I don't know that. Still if you have your legitimate beef with Lepin you have to go to Lepin. I also can't go to Porsche if I have trouble with Volkswagen.

Xingbao offered you a deal. You didn't want to go with it - that's fine.
I just think it your goal is to make money out of your MOCs and see them built by other brick fans all over the world it would have been the only easy way to do so at the moment.

However I wish you the best for the future and that you'll be able to sell some of your instructions to fans so that you can please them and make dome money out of your hobby yourself this way! :thumup:
And I hope even more than you still have a good time with the bricks! :prost:
Zuletzt editiert Benutzer 670 gelöscht vor 7 Jahre, insgesamt 1 mal editiert.

Guān (官) - Beamter
Guān (官) - Beamter
Beiträge: 684
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Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von Neogene »

RedBrick hat geschrieben: vor 7 Jahre Why would Xingbao be willing to offer up to 6k per design but not publicly denounce Lepin's transgressions, unless they have financial ties? Therefore, why would I want to enter into a business agreement with a company that potentially is being dishonest with me? The money was not enough to overcome a deficient effort to establish the level of trust I expected.
Man, stop your whining and grow up. You seem to have enough money if you can decline up to 6k. So why ask them in the first place?

There are not the same Company, they have ties but that doesn´t mean that one firm is responsible for the other. Its simple as that.
Because of your silly pride you leave easy money on the street, sure, it´s you decission but i find it dumb and petty.

What kind of compensation you get from Lego Ideas? As far as i know NOTHING, beside the publicity. In comparison i find the xb offer very nice, it is a step in the right direction.

Ehemalige|r ModeratorIn
Beiträge: 2755
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Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von flo »

Let's stay civil, guys. RedBrick's concerns are valid, as is his decision to decline the offer. And fyi, as far as I know Lego also offers 1% to published Ideas designers.

Guān (官) - Beamter
Guān (官) - Beamter
Beiträge: 684
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Re: New International Forum

Beitrag von Neogene »

You are right, my post seems a bit harsh. But i can´t help it, i have my own store since 15 years and i have to swallow my pride on many occastions for a few euros. For 6k i have to work 4 months at least, 50 hours a week. And here he has the opportunity to make some good cash, maybe get an invite to the next toy fare in china, i would take the chance immediately.

Maybe they get 1% but lets be real, there are only a handful of ideas that get published. So your chance to get some money out of it is abysmal and with a set like the Apple university like zero. Most of the time, the really good sets are too big and expensive for lego, it is a shame what great sets were declined this year in their stupid process (obversatorium for instance).
Zuletzt editiert Neogene vor 7 Jahre, insgesamt 1 mal editiert.

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